When Family Guy Season 14 Episode 10, "Candy Quahog Marshmallow!", aired on January 3, 2016, on FOX, many viewers were disappointed not to see the episode's subplot about Stewie Griffin, who didn't appear in the episode, worrying that he's going to be a redhead. And the episode's audio commentary, found in the Season Fourteen DVD, never mentioned the unused subplot at all, nor why it wasn't used.
I tried emailing FOX about the subplot, but I never got a reply from them about it.
Anyway, this petition I started four months ago, if successful, is going to convince the FOX Broadcasting Company, and Family Guy creator Seth MacFarlane, to import the subplot into a future episode of Family Guy. However, since I started it, only seven people have signed it. I need more signatures in order to reach 100 or more. Will you support me with this?
And for a reaction, there's the following FGfanimation I made. I should warn you, there's an utterance of the F-word in it.